Have you ever asked yourself: WHAT IS MY FEAR REALLY ABOUT?
DO WE DISTRACT ourselves by keeping busy? DO WE RUN AWAY from looking DEEP INSIDE? IS FEAR stopping us from living a peaceful, accomplished life?
In reality, FEAR can be our most valuable of dark teachers. It helps us actually AVOID living in a place of darkness and stagnation. Becoming curious about both our light and dark sides uncovers a multitude of riches.
Most people, however, only want to look at the LIGHT. Our culture reinforces it, it’s safer and it’s the easiest thing to do. Examining what layers of emotions contributes to our suffering is one of the HARDEST things we can do. It can also be one of the most REWARDING for personal growth.
So ask yourself these questions to begin:
What emotions or behaviors do I have that are NOT serving me?
What is contributing to my feeling of uneasiness or lack of fulfillment?
What am I most afraid of?
How do I LET GO of these things in my life that are not EMPOWERING ME?
This simple, yet powerful REFLECTION can have TREMENDOUS benefits if you give yourself a small window to reflect, be mindful and be BRAVE!
Once you are in touch with this deeper look in the mirror, you can allow HEALING to begin.
To help you in the process, here are some questions for you to reflect and journal on that will inspire you to dig deeper:
1). What situation TRIGGERS my DARK SIDE?
2). What NAME do I give my darker ALTER EGO?
3). What is the ONE thing I can do to step toward CHANGE?